Morning exercises for weight loss at home: effective exercises

You can get rid of excess fat and make your figure perfect with the help of proper nutrition and a proper set of exercises. The set of measures also includes morning exercises for weight loss at home, which is great for beginners - start your breakfast with a light gym. At the same time, you should not turn the workout into a full workout, as it pursues another goal - to charge the body with energy for the whole working day. As for the physical exercises included in the training complexes, they are aimed at muscle tension by tiring the body.

Benefits of morning exercises

Morning exercise for weight loss has great benefits for the body. Many people think that you can feel happy if you drink a cup of strong coffee, however, this aromatic drink contains caffeine, which can hardly be called useful. The advantages of doing morning exercises are revealed with the regular execution of the complex and they consist of:

  • Improve performance. The heat helps the blood to move through the vessels more intensely. Thanks to this, the tissues of the body are saturated with oxygen and nutrients, which leads to improved memory, accelerated thought processes and increased concentration.
  • Body improvement. Stimulating blood flow has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain and respiratory organs. In parallel, phlegm is excreted from the bronchi and lungs, which accumulate during sleep, and blood clots are eliminated in the veins.
  • Improved mood. Performing a series of simple exercises with invigorating music, you can provide yourself with a stable mood. In addition, exercise eliminates the cause of hypokinesia (insufficient physical activity), eliminating the constant feeling of weakness, nervousness.
  • Eliminate insomnia. Waking up early will help you stay on a certain daily routine. When the body clock indicates the rest time, fatigue will be felt. Compliance with the regime is a guarantee of a restful, restful sleep.
  • Strengthen discipline. A person who is accustomed to doing gymnastics regularly copes better with adversity, wakes up easily and does not experience major problems with discipline.

How to do morning exercises at home

It is impossible to achieve the desired effect and improve body tone with the help of regular morning exercises, subject to certain rules. A competent approach will help strengthen the muscles of the thighs, buttocks, back and other areas. Combined with the right nutrition, you can get rid of excess fat, making your figure slimmer and more prominent. Basic rules and recommendations:

  • Since the body wakes up gradually, any strong load immediately after waking up will force the heart to suddenly switch to active work, which can negatively affect the heart muscle.
  • The best gymnastics in the morning is the one after which you will feel an increase in vitality and strength. You should not overload the body when you do it, the main thing is to raise the body tone, and not build muscle mass.
  • Some exercises can be done without getting out of bed. These only include warm-up exercises that do not carry a specific load - this will not be enough to replenish your vitality for the whole day.
  • Find the right music. Choose a composition at a rate of 140-170 beats / minute if your complex includes some kind of intense exercise. Rhythmic songs will help to precisely regulate movements and coordinate breathing with them.
  • The morning exercise complex is best divided into three phases: warm-up, core and final.
  • Try to ventilate the room while the fresh air comes to life.
  • Do not wear clothes that impede movement, otherwise you will be very uncomfortable.
  • Exercising in the morning and eating are incompatible things. If you feel hungry, then drink a glass of water. Do not exercise on a full stomach.
morning exercises for weight loss

Morning exercises for weight loss at home

There are both general and separate complexes, which are designed specifically for women, men, etc. In any case, try to regularly do the exercise of your choice in the morning. Morning exercises for weight loss and breathing exercises will help achieve the desired effect of weight loss. The training time lasts about 10-15 minutes. The main thing is not to be lazy, but to do everything with enthusiasm and energy.

For women

A diet for weight loss is a waste of time and vain hopes to get a beautiful body without physical activity. The fewer calories get into the body, the more the body stores them in reserve. Check out the complex below, which is great for women (the number of approaches and exercises is best determined by yourself, start with the minimum):

  • Walk in place for 30 seconds, raising your knees up.
  • Lie on your back, bend your knees. Tired, lift the pelvis off the floor, then relax and take the starting position.
  • Lie on your back and raise your legs straight to form a right angle to the surface. Hold the legs in this position for a few seconds, then lower gently.
  • To reduce the volume of the hips, make long alternations with your left and right legs. At the same time, pull the abdomen inwards, turn your back straight and put your hands on your waist.
  • Do deep squats without lifting your legs off the floor and keeping your arms extended at chest level.
  • Lie on your back, start pulling rhythmically and exit to the abdominal wall, lightly pressing it with your hands.

For beginners

If you have not been involved in sports for a long time, then give preference to a series of exercises designed specifically for beginners. The main thing is not to overdo it, a fast pace is useless, the main thing is regularity of performance and proper nutrition. A program of simple exercises for morning exercises:

  • Make regular landings in several groups of 10-20 times (depending on your physical shape).
  • To work in the press, lie on your back, raise your legs at right angles to the floor, and lower them. Do it 10-15 times, 3 sets.
  • To work the hips, perform breaks - on each leg 15 times, 3-4 approaches.
  • Exercise the bike - Do it for as long as possible, at least 1-2 minutes.
  • Shake your legs. Perform both front and back, and on the sides.
  • Jumping up. Jump up 30-40 times - repeat 4 sets.
  • Finally, stretch your muscles so that they are as flexible and warm as possible.
girl doing exercises for weight loss

For fast weight loss

Achieving fast results with morning exercises is possible only in combination with proper nutrition and an active lifestyle. Each exercise below is performed for 30 seconds, after which you should take a break for 30 seconds and drink about 1/4 glass of water to improve metabolic processes in the body. You can not eat before and after the complex for 1. 5 hours, in detail:

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart, lock your hands in a lock above your head. As you jump, close your legs and open your arms, extending your arms upwards and trying to clap your palms.
  • Lie on the floor, spread your arms sideways, start raising your legs up alternately. The angle on the floor should be 90 degrees.
  • Move the chair firmly against the wall and, alternating legs, place it on it.
  • Take a break with your arm bent, with your elbows at a 90-degree angle. Lie in this position for 30 seconds, contracting the abdominal and thigh muscles.
  • Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your hands behind your head. Start shaking the abs so that the elbows touch the knees.
  • Place your hands on a backrest, such as a sofa, with your legs straight and your back extended. Start pushing without bending your torso.
  • Spread your legs shoulder-width apart. When doing squats, spread your bent knees in different directions, but the buttocks should not touch the floor and feet.
  • Try pushing on one arm, changing it alternately - you definitely need support.
  • Lie on your side, then start lifting one leg up. Extend the arm that is on the floor above your head, and support the other on the floor, creating a 90-degree angle. After 15 seconds of doing the exercise, move to the other side.
  • Lying on the floor on your stomach, spread your arms over your head. At the same time, lift them with your feet off the floor. Try to hold this position for about 10 seconds. Take multiple sets.

For all muscle groups

A great opportunity to lose weight as efficiently as possible is to load all muscle groups at home. As a start, it would be good to do a light warm-up after sleep, for example, circular rotations of the head, hands, shoulders, elbows, ankles and knee joints. Put on rhythmic music, no matter how hard it is to wake up without it. A set of exercises:

  • Jump in place (you can jump rope) - 20 times.
  • Walk 20 times so that the angle between the leg and the knee is 90 degrees.
  • Sit 10 times, focusing on the glute and knees.
  • Perform 20 rows sideways.
  • Run in place slightly, raising your knees.
  • Do abscesses 20 times. To do this, lower your arms along your torso, raise your legs 45 degrees, and begin to rotate them in one direction or the other.
  • Run so that your heels touch your buttocks.
  • Push off the floor 8-10 times - you can with bent knees.

5 minute charge

Everyone can design a set of exercises for morning exercises for weight loss at home, which will last about 5 minutes. In this case, the main focus should be on warm-up, as if you include general toning exercises in the program, then the workout will last at least 10-15 minutes. Rough complex, designed for 5 minutes:

  • Turn your head left and right.
  • The head tilts left and right, back and forth.
  • Rotate the brushes from the outside and inside to the outstretched arms.
  • Rotation of the forearms from the outside and from the inside.
  • Rotation at the shoulder joints back and forth.
  • Rotate the foot both clockwise and counterclockwise.
  • Turns with left and right foot, leans towards self and from self.
  • Rotation of the legs at the knee joints.
exercises and exercises for weight loss

Charging for 20 minutes

If you exercise mainly for weight loss, then you need to adjust all the exercises correctly. Exercise should last at least half an hour, as body fat begins to decrease in 20 minutes of exercise. The break between them should not be more than 1 minute. Also, keep an eye on the pace of your activities. Finally, calm down or lie down. Complex:

  • On the legs and buttocks. Start your activity by walking in place - 30-60 seconds. At the same time, try to raise your knees up. Then, holding on to the back of the chair and standing on your toes, start getting up and down for 30-60 seconds. Also, do the jumps separately on each leg.
  • In the stomach and sides. Begin to perform circular rotations with the pelvis, while the abdomen should be pulled in and out. Lie on your back, start coming out into the abdominal cavity by pressing it with your hands. Do it 10 times.
  • In the hands. Find the right dumbbells from 1 kg and up. Start raising both arms to the sides at the same time for about 30-60 seconds.
  • In the groin. Bend your legs while lying down so that your feet are on the floor. Begin to raise your pelvis and move it left and right 6 times in each direction. Take multiple sets.

Fitness exercises

Fitness exercises performed correctly and regularly in the morning will bring a boost of vitality and contribute to weight loss. No strenuous physical exercise or excessive stress should be experienced while charging, otherwise charging may be harmful. Heart rate during training should not be higher than 60 percent of the maximum possible. The simplest fitness program that is perfect for those who do not have fitness experience:

  • Start your morning workout with 10 minutes of relatively brisk walking. If you raise your knees up, then within a few minutes you will feel a pleasant tension in the muscles.
  • Next, do 3 sets of 10-15 sessions without any weight (according to feelings).
  • Continue fitness exercises for weight loss, pushing off the floor in the same way - 3 sets of 10-15 times.
  • Next, do any abscess exercise that interests you. After charging, there should be no increase in blood pressure and shortness of breath. Increase the number of repetitions over time.


Such morning exercises for weight loss at home could not be less effective than the other options described. Dance gymnastics means a complex of gymnastic exercises performed at a certain rhythm exclusively in music. Such classes are widely used to develop movements of flexibility, coordination. Start your workout with a light warm-up. It is worth doing with special video tutorials in order to visually see the implementation of all the elements. Useful suggestions:

  • For a morning dance exercise for weight loss at home, choose a spacious room where there will be no foreign objects.
  • The floor covering should not be slippery to prevent damage.
  • For music accompaniment, connect the speakers to the computer - you do not need to pick up a phone or a player, as it will only interfere with the process.
  • During the morning dance gymnastics, you should not be distracted by anything.
  • Choose the most comfortable, inexpensive clothes. A sports kit is perfect.
  • You will get more benefit if you observe your movements in the mirror.
dance exercises for weight loss


This exercise is considered a very effective way to get rid of excess fat. Its main purpose is to work all the muscles in the body in just one day. It is not intended to build muscle mass, but at the same time is performed with high intensity. For its implementation, 10-12 exercises are selected for all body parts. One circle is repeated 2-3 times, and the rest between groups is about 30 seconds. In a circle, perform 10 to 50 repetitions of each exercise. You should do 2-3 times a week. The classic county training complex consists of:

  • Squats. The purpose of gluteal muscle formation.
  • Push. Work your arm and chest muscles.
  • Accent snowball. The starting position is engaged as in push, followed by the transition of the jump to the gathering position.
  • Dancing "starfish". When jumping, spread your legs and arms to the sides. Jump as fast as possible.
  • Press vibration. Moreover, both the upper and lower.
  • Jump rope. Good cardio exercise.
  • Anijes Bek. You need to run as fast as possible.