Slimming products

Products from which you lose weight will not add pounds, on the contrary, they will help you burn fat deposits. By products that help we mean familiar products that we sometimes sometimes forget.

Products to help you lose weight

This is not a myth, our food really helps you lose weight. Some foods increase metabolism, others make you feel full for a long time and others help in the breakdown of fat. You can combine them to become your own nutritionist. So slimming products.

Fig helps digestion

Figs contain many valuable substances in ballast. Just eat two or three fruits or add it to the muesli and the feeling of hunger will subside. Figs are a low-calorie product, there is no fat in it.


Mushrooms are good for stuffing, they do well with hunger. In addition to being satisfying, they are low in calories. In addition, they help to remove undigested food debris from the body. Mushrooms can be baked, boiled, boiled.

Apples and pears Apples and pears

These fruits are rich in pectin. They fill the stomach well and cause a feeling of satiety with virtually zero calories, contain the necessary vitamins and minerals. Good for a snack. Tartronic and citric acid, with which apples are rich, promotes better burning of carbohydrates, preventing carbohydrates from being converted into fats.

Brown rice

Brown rice is a slow carbohydrate. It saturates well and does not provoke overeating. Replace your usual dish with steamed brown rice several times a week.


Peanuts are ideal for snacks between meals. Improves metabolism. Thanks to peanuts, metabolism is accelerated, and fatty acids lower cholesterol levels. Peanuts have a lot of calories per 100 grams of peanuts - 560 calories. Therefore, it is enough to eat 10 -12 nuts a day (not more than 50 g per day, because it is difficult to digest due to fats. ). Peanuts contain 45% vegetable fats, 25% protein and 15% carbohydrates, rich in vitamins B, PP, vitamin D. Nuts are good for the body and promote weight loss, only they should be eaten in small quantities.

Pine Nuts

Walnuts contain pinoleonic acid - a good appetite suppressant. They are higher in saturated protein than other types of nuts. Fried nuts can be added to smoothies, seasoned with vegetables, fruit salads. Or eat a handful of nuts as a lunch or snack between meals.


Rich in vitamins, calcium, dietary fiber, phosphorus, iron and fatty acids. Despite the high fat content, almonds contribute to weight loss. Since a portion of fat is excreted from the body by bypassing the breakdown and absorption phases. Just 23 nuts a day (about 30 grams) reduce lipids, normalize cholesterol levels in the body and promote weight loss.


Lentils are rich in vegetable protein and can be a good substitute for meat. Low-calorie bean, well absorbed and reduces hunger. Lentils can be cooked with vegetables and herbs, added to soup.

Cold low-calorie soups


Promote weight loss by helping you burn calories. Cold food should be heated first in the stomach. The body needs to expend calories to heat and digest food. Cold soups fill the stomach well and saturate the body for a long time. Cold soup can be replaced with a glass of herbal vegetable juice, such as tomatoes. A glass of tomato juice is enough to get rid of hunger. And if you add a drop of olive oil to tomato juice, you get an excellent healing elixir for blood vessels.

Vegetable cleaned soups

If you make a broccoli or cabbage puree soup without adding cream, flour or oatmeal. And adding other vegetables besides potatoes as well as spices and seasonings. That such a dietary dish helps in weight loss. Thick fiber removes "bad" cholesterol and heals the body.


Celery is low in calories. It well removes excess fluid from the cells. The taste is specific, but if you are satisfied, eat as much celery as you want, add it to the soup. Steam, simmer with other vegetables. Celery can be liquefied and has draining properties.

Low fat dairy products - cottage cheese, yogurt

Low fat dairy products contain a lot of easily digestible proteins and leave you feeling full for a long time. The body uses more calories to digest proteins than it does to digest fats and carbohydrates. You can shake the cottage cheese with carbonated mineral water, the resulting cream can be spread on toast. This makes for a great low-calorie breakfast. There is a wide selection of low fat foods in stores. Beneficial calcium will enter the body, due to which the body produces substances, forcing our cells to lose weight.

Choose yogurt not sweetened and without fruit additives, you can make homemade yogurt. Sprinkle cinnamon on top instead of sugar, it also helps to lose weight.

Green tea

Green tea also helps in weight loss. Since it contains substances that contribute to fat burning. Nutritionists advise to drink 3-4 cups of green tea a day, this will have the greatest effect on fat burning. It is estimated that by drinking five cups of green tea a day, you will lose 70 to 80 calories. But it also prevents the formation of cancer cells, protects the heart and blood vessels. But it is better not to overdo it. Quite enough 2-3 cups of green tea a day, as it stimulates the nervous system.

Hot spices

Hot chili peppers help burn fat well

Chili peppers and all kinds of it, black pepper, pepper, mustard help burn fat well - the darker, the sharper. Horseradish, all spices of Indian and Thai cuisine. Every time we add hot spices to food, we lose weight. Spicy foods contribute to weight loss, as such food accelerates the production of energy in the body (the process of thermogenesis) and burns excess fat cells, lowers insulin levels. For example, chili peppers, which contain the substance capsaicin, "melt" excess calories within 20 minutes after you finish a meal. If you do not like spicy - remove the grains from the peppers.

Capsacina, the spice for hot red peppers, speeds up metabolism within three hours of a meal, literally melting fat cells.


There is nothing healthier than fish for a figure. Fatty fish supply the body with omega-3 essential fatty acids and iodine, which take care of the heart and thyroid gland, and fish products help burn fat in the body. In the process of losing weight, the way fish is cooked and other food matters.

Fish can be replaced with chicken breast, lean meat. Useful is useful to bake the dish. If there is no steamer or multi-cooker, take a colander and place in a saucepan, with a little water, place the fish pieces, cover with a lid. Serve more herbs and spices with the dish. The body will be grateful for such food because it is easily digested and will not be stored.

Eating protein

Protein foods help burn fatty protein foods. Protein is the basis for the formation of muscle mass. The higher your muscle mass, the more fat you burn, even at rest. For example, even on vacation, a person whose muscles use more calories. For proteins to be assimilated, the body is also forced to expend more energy than for the assimilation of carbohydrates and fats. Thus, protein foods help burn fat. Many protein diets, protein downloads, alternating protein and carbohydrate diets are based on this.


Slow carbohydrates nourish and speed up the digestive tract. Eat oatmeal in water for breakfast with fruits, vegetables or for lunch as a side dish.


Contains a substance that removes toxins, regulates metabolism and normalizes digestion, improves the tone of blood vessels. Ginger tea for weight loss can be prepared by pouring a teaspoon of ginger integrated into boiling water, let it brew and drain. Ginger root promotes rapid digestion of food, improving blood circulation in the stomach and its secretion. And speeding up your metabolism will help you lose weight faster.

Grapefruit and grapefruit juice


Grapefruit lowers insulin levels, which makes you want to eat less. If you eat half a grapefruit or drink 150 ml of juice from it with each meal, then in two weeks the weight will decrease by 2 kg. The bitter taste of the juice can be diluted with orange or other juice.

Colored salad

By mixing vegetables of different colors, you get healthy foods rich in fiber and vitamins. Starting a salad with a drop of vegetable oil and lemon juice, you fill your stomach without unnecessary calories, leaving less room for more caloric foods, which also helps you lose weight.

Abdominal Dilution Products

American scientists have compiled a list of foods that will help you make your stomach flat. Include them in your diet along with daily abdominal exercises and you will see results in 2-3 weeks.


Beans and peas contain vegetable protein, which prevents the loss of muscle mass with fats during the diet. Legumes are long-lasting and help reduce hunger attacks. Try to add legumes to your menu as often as possible.

Low fat cheese

Like other low-fat dairy products, cheese helps burn belly fat.


When not cooked or added sugar, they help regulate blood glucose and cholesterol levels and help you burn excess calories.

Olive oil

Lowers blood cholesterol levels and speeds up fat burning, in addition, prevents hunger. It contains many unsaturated fatty acids, which convert cholesterol into light-soluble compounds, which are then excreted from the body. Take on an empty stomach with a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil.

Spinach and broccoli

These foods are rich in vitamin C, which speeds up metabolism and helps to quickly get rid of fat deposits in the waist area.

Broccoli is not just cabbage, but a product with a negative calorie content; to digest such food, the body expends more calories than it receives. Boil, boil, steam, but add oils and fats to a minimum or do not add at all.

Spinach is hearty and light, perfect for lunch and dinner. But not more than 150 grams per day. It is added to salads, soups, stews.

Rye bread, wholemeal bread

Wholemeal rye and bread help digestion and prevent the formation of new deposits in the abdomen and thighs.

Rye and wholemeal bread


Metabolic enhancers. Since they are a storehouse of healthy fats, vitamins, antioxidants. These are substances that saturate well and reduce appetite. 15-20 unsalted almonds a day is enough. Most undesirable, as nuts are very high in calories.

Chicken Eggs

Good for burning fat and building muscle. Two boiled eggs are ideal for breakfast.


This berry frees cells from fats due to its high content of vitamin C and other vitamins. Fresh and frozen berries will do.

American nutritionists have discovered that belly fat can be effectively fought with unsaturated fatty acids found in olive oil, fatty sea fish and chicken. However, food alone is not enough. Nothing strengthens your abdominal muscles like a hoop exercise.

If you twist the ring for 15-20 minutes a day, then after a while the waist will lower. Chinese researchers advise to lose weight in mineral water and rice. Thus, you can cleanse the body of toxins and get rid of excess weight.

Swedish researchers advise to lose weight in products that contain alkali - milk, fruit, buckwheat. They improve metabolism.

New Thin Food Pyramid

German nutritionist Wolfgang Feil has developed his concept of detail. His idea is based on the principle that if a person wants to lose weight, then he must eat high quality carbohydrates and protein - these are the two lowest levels of his food pyramid for weight loss.

The menu of those who lose weight should be based on the products of the bottom two rows of the pyramid. These are fresh seasonal vegetables, healthy vegetable oils, fresh herbs, lean meats and poultry, fish, fruits, dairy products, low-fat cheese and just bitter chocolate from sweets. In addition to food, you should drink plenty of clean water up to 2 liters per day, this will help remove all unnecessary from the body, remove toxins and toxins and improve the weight loss process.

Vegetables, herbs and dairy foods should be on the table at all times. Eat meat, nuts, fish once a day. The rest of the products are less common, but there are some that you can afford extremely rarely, for example, for the holidays.

Food movement plus

nutrition + movement can achieve harmony

Dr. Feil believes that only in complex food + movement can you achieve harmony. He recommends, in addition to healthy eating, to train the body, to train a muscle group every day. Better in the morning as an exercise, a five-minute warm-up is enough to warm up the muscles and activate the metabolism.

For example, one day we do push-ups, another squat, the third jump rope, then we shake the press and so on. Over time, the body will become more toned. And after exercising, eat a hearty breakfast rich in healthy carbohydrates. For dinner and lunch, also eat foods from the lower levels of the lean food table. Protein is needed to build muscle, a good muscle corset helps burn fat faster. And then you can lose weight without being limited to food at a comfortable and convenient pace.