Nutrition for gastritis during the exacerbation (with high and low acidity) + Menu

Abdominal pain gastritis

Gastritis and a disease that occurs in all age groups. The disease many predisposing factors, in particular:

  • the metabolic disorders;
  • errors in the diet;
  • frequent stress;
  • the taking of certain medications.

Women face s often with manifestations of gastritis in pregnancy when the stomach and pinched the growth of the uterus and the processes of digestion are violated. For the Diet gastritis acute and components of the un of the most important treatment, especially when it is waiting for a woman of un baby, and many drugs his drink is banned.

The importance of the diet for the gastritis in the acute phase

Sometimes, the disease and a sharp "build" the person once and never returns. But most of the gastritis becomes chronic. Then, highs go to the episodes from time to time in the moments that, for one reason or the inflammatory process aktiviziruyutsya. S That they must submit to the un a second course of treatment.

Crucial nutrition for gastritis during the exacerbation. Some medications will not help: mucous membranes in the conditions of active inflammation towards and compliance with the recommendations of the diet will be damaged. Treatment sense diet ineffective. Now i need to minimize all the factors that irritate the mucosa.

Exacerbation d symptoms include:

  • pain in the region of the stomach;
  • heaviness in the epigastrium;
  • the acidity;
  • belching;
  • periodic nausea.

Of course, not all of them will probably appear, in addition to for different different types of symptoms of gastritis. Sometimes, the only symptom i get the pain when the ulcer, wi-fi, in general "pain of hunger" s which is producing, if the person was not more a long time for food, gastritis can be arbitrary.

Chronic Gastritis in the acute stage needs thorough treatment. The patient is recommended a special diet, the role of which – maintain the normal functioning of the digestive system, the creation of conditions benign for the period until the disease returns in remission. Menu for gastritis and not as diverse as that of full for a healthy person, but it allows you to get a proper diet. As remission aggravation of the symptoms of gastritis s include in the diet products that are more complex.

How to eat with gastritis acute

At least un Everyone that sometimes s face manifestations of the disease, you must know how to s should eat with gastritis acute. The basic principle of the diet – mechanical, thermal and chemical save.

Mechanics avoiding and carried out by grinding until you get the mixture creamy (meals are ground, boiled or crushed in a blender). The heat due to the use of hot food (cold, hot or) banned. Optimally, if the food temperature is close to normal body temperature (36-37 °C). Chemistry, saving – to eliminate the foods that may stimulate the secretion gastric for " juice of the cell dl·lules parietal (salty, smoked, spicy, fried) or if you can be harsh on the mucous membranes (for example, pepper, well, mustard).

In the period of exacerbation of chronic gastritis attack with any of the nutrition should be a fraction. The Basis of the table No. 1, which has been developed especially for these cases. Diet Number 1 and "sub-items" that must be considered with different degrees of severity of the exacerbation. If gastritis combined with other gastrointestinal diseases, for example, colitis, chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis or a reflux-gastritis in the phase of damped recrudescence, the patient and moved to the table # 5.

The base of the Group in the stomach and the soups, especially the mucous, jelly, a kind of mashed the and a bite of food. Thermal treatment offers free wi-fi and a boil, bake in the steam. When the aggravation disappears, you can you can cook, bake sense the rind.

Nutrition for gastritis during the exacerbation

Nutrition for gastritis in the acute phase should include needed by the body fast for the recovery of vitamins and minerals. And important that the patient is getting enough protein-rich foods. And need to damaged gastric mucous games fast, and other organs do not suffer a deficiency of protein.

The Menu should be so that the diet was presented spotting vitamins a, B, C, D, E. you need to Eat fractional, to be able to download the gastrointestinal tract.

What are the available for the diet gastritis acute

Gastritis acute is prescribed in table 1. But you need to remember that the meals gastritis with low, normal, high, and acidity has some differences. Important to take into account factors such as the presence or absence of comorbidities. So that the energy supply in the period of exacerbation s adjusts to the schemes of table No. 2, 3, 5A, 5B. As soon as the exacerbation disappears, the tables change:

1-3 days Table No. 1A
4 -7 day Table No. 1B
Day 8 continue Table Nº 1

Foods and dishes during exacerbations

Menu for gastritis during the exacerbation should meet the main requirements:

  • the dishes should be soft;
  • make sure that the food and crushed;
  • breaks between meals should not be more than 3.5-4 hours.

Acute Diet the disease a stews of vegetables, porridge, soups, liquid. You should start with the most benign plantations, original works of art, I went to the typical diet, but from desirable to completely eliminate (even the recovery original work of art) of sharp spices, plenty of salt, smoked food and alcohol. All this irritates the wall of the stomach, at any time gastritis may deteriorate.

What can I eat in the acute phase

General principles of cooking should be steamed or stewed to make a kind of puree or the mucous membranes. This kind of food not to damage the wall of the stomach, it is digested easily, we are the nutrients quickly absorbed.

During exacerbation The power of the gastritis how this can be:

Product That useful
Mucous soups Surrounding a wall of the stomach;

well absorbed;

provide the body with necessary nutrients

Steamed vegetables Thermal With good treatment to provide the necessary amounts of vitamins, fiber
Lean meat Saturates the protein.

In the first place, and meatballs of minced Turkey breast, rabbit, Turkey.

Then, in addition To a meat portioned pieces

Honey It fills the need for carbohydrates

All meals should be warm, cooked or the meaning seasoning. Allowed to eat small quantities of sweets and candy, marshmallows, jellies, jelly. Quefir I fermented the milk in the oven may not be used in the early days 2-3 original works of art of the beginning of the period of exacerbation. These days, you can prepare dairy mucous membranes or liquid porridge with milk. Then, add a day of low-fat yogurt, even a couple of days – fermented baked milk.

Impaled on a fork of vegetables

Prohibit food in the diet for gastritis in the acute phase

Diet for gastritis in the acute phase involves the un special menu. Exacerbation period was forbidden fruit and fresh vegetables as the irritated stomach.

You can not drink carbonated beverages, strong tea. Ban the coffee, the chocolate and the cocoa. Caffeinated products constrict blood vessels, which causes another spasm, which is manifested by the appearance or increase of pain.

The symptoms of gastritis works of original art the beginning of the treatment, and finally, above, however, for the diet needs a lot of time to the gastric mucous has completely regenerated and restored their functions.

The diet during the exacerbation of the gastritis with acidity high

During exacerbation the power of gastritis with high acidity should be the same as approximately during the exacerbation the case of illness of ulcer. This kind of s called gastritis hyperacidity. The essence of the disease to the production of excessive hydrochloric acid. In the process of the mucosal inflammatory infiltrate begins formacio of injuries similar to burns, there is the appearance of small lesions.

Therefore, the menu of the patient should include foods that do not affect the lining, causing the stomach to over produce secretions. In the diet of the patient should prevail:

  • fish stew fish and steamed low-fat varieties;
  • porridge of water (well boiled);
  • royal jelly;
  • trout for a couple.

If you want vegetables, then you can afford to include in the diet, but only in the form of a kind of puree. Perfect kind of mashed potatoes. And delicious, nutritious, does not irritate the patient's stomach.

The diet during the exacerbation of the gastritis with acidity low

Menu for gastritis with low acidity in the period of exacerbation and a bit different. Here the objective, forcing the stomach to over produce secretions. When hypoacid gastritis the patient has a lack of vitamins of the B group (in particular B₁₂), C, PP. Your stomach sore is protected "invading" pathogens because of the small amount of juice gastric. Gastritis En the acidity can be reduced almost to zero.

Slightly stimulating the stomach also should be added to the diet of salt fish. To minimize the effects of slow digestion, must be removed from the diet:

  • fresh bread;
  • bean;
  • mushrooms;
  • cakes;
  • fatty meat.

The task of the physician and the patient to avoid examining the processes of fermentation and to help the stomach to work more effectively. The Group must also be crushed, preheated. Meals every 3.5 hours.

For the Diet gastritis in acute, combined with pathology

Chronic Gastritis often occurs together with other diseases, for example, chronic pancreatitis, diseases of the gallbladder. Diet during exacerbation of gastritis should be adapted to the needs of the menus in the treatment of the disease.

Pumpkin soup

The menu with acute gastritis and stomach ulcers

So, diet for acute gastritis and stomach ulcers and fractional power in small portions. The menu can include such dishes as pumpkin soup or broccoli soup – both in the form of soup.

You can prepare a milk of noodles. Rice pudding, semolina, porridge also buckwheat and allowed. With gastritis acute not have to use porridges quick preparation. If there is need for the un quick and safe snacking – use food for babies. Yes – there is a purpose, and Yes, I'm sure that the Express consent and porridge.

In the Grupo human, and in patients with chronic gastritis, they should of fruits and vegetables, but during an exacerbation allowed are just in a hurry and stews and in small quantities.

The food should be such that the patient is not sent a famine, as otherwise it will start to overcome the "hungry" pain, the inflammatory process is delayed.

During exacerbation the power of gastritis pancreatitis and

The diet during the exacerbation of the gastritis pancreatitis and I slightly different. In this case, the amount of calories from immediately original work of art abatement of the seizure, when the patient and allowed to feed themselves reduced to 1500 a day. Gradually, as the disease is removed and the caloric increases.

The patient is allowed the diet of well-cooked or rice, soups, low content of fat broth, a little later – grated cheese.

From liquids – tea, weak, best color green, compote of dried fruit, jelly.

Diet for the gastritis cholecystitis in the acute phase

Cholecystitis and annoying when the flow of bile, so that the treatment should be the aim of reducing the kind of food, treatment which need a large amount of bile. The diet during the exacerbation of the gastritis, based on the principles of the table # 5. Of Your gallbladder is inflamed – wi-fi and free parking are best so that the type of diet, which is called "table 5A". Unlike table 5B, recommended for pancreatitis — the food can make it a bit less, since it does not require full milling rate of feed by the un of the state.

Menu with gastritis acute high acidity for a week

My planning of the menu for each day, when you need to follow a diet gastritis acute with high acidity, we must remember that the Group, in uniformity, as very forbidding, so that we should learn some of the ways you can cook the same meals, but in different ways.

Menu of the week around the following.

Day of the week     Food
  1 2 3 4 5
1 Tea Weak with croutons Omelette of Pumpkin soup Baked Apple Yogurt
2 The un glass of warm milk Buckwheat porridge Braised chicken Yogurt Oatmeal
3 Tea with slices s of bread Cheese Soup of any Baked Apple Fish stew
4 Chicory milk with a couple of croutons Oatmeal Omelette of Cheese Royal jelly with crackers
5 Oatmeal, Flour, tea Pear in the oven Steam the meatballs The tea with a cloud souffle Yogurt
6 Any liquid mess A kind of mashed potatoes Cabbage rolls Tea, jam Cheese
7 Low-fat yogurt Semolina porridge Milk noodles Fish for a couple Steamed vegetables

The diet during the exacerbation of the gastritis with low acidity: the menu of the week

Proper nutrition during the exacerbation chronic gastritis with low acidity it also includes kind of mashed vegetables and mucous membranes soups. But the menu of a week with more gastritis acute and diverse than in the case of hyperacid gastritis.

Day of the week     Food
  1 2 3 4 5
1 Hard-boiled egg, tea Cheese Chicken soup


Baked pear Quefir fermented the milk in the oven
2 Weak tea, some bread with secs jam Porridge of rice Braised chicken A kind of mashed potatoes,

salted fish

3 Tea with slices s of bread Cheese Soup of any Baked Apple Fish stew
4 Chicory milk with a couple of croutons Oatmeal Omelette of Cheese Royal jelly with crackers
5 Oatmeal, Flour, tea Pear in the oven Steam the meatballs The tea with a cloud souffle Yogurt
6 Any liquid mess A kind of mashed potatoes Cabbage rolls Tea, jam Cheese
7 Low-fat yogurt Semolina porridge Milk noodles Fish for a couple Steamed vegetables

Little by little it is subsiding exacerbation, diet s expands. But you should always remember a limit of the salt and the spices. If the supply and sources of failure, additional meals (in smaller quantities, but more often).

Recipes for gastritis diet in chronic

Diet for patients with gastritis during the exacerbation foods are those that help digestion and totally digest.

In the menu the patient can include milk noodles.

The recipe for mama noodles

The recipe is a very simple: you just boil in a saucepan with a little milk, diluted with water (so that the water was less than half). Then add the small pasta and bake it in the fire lent for 10 minutes. Salt, add a little. Set aside to rest.

Porridge of rice

Recipe for porridge of rice with raisins

Porridge with raisins – a dish that can be eaten for Breakfast, and in the afternoon.

You must pour the rice with cold water and milk, you can cook wings until they fall apart. Original works of art to throw out the cereal, a few raisins and wait, so they are a bit softened. Porridge serves a husband horny.

Recipe for scrambled eggs

Take 2 eggs, break them in a Cup, you can add a couple of tablespoons of milk and a little bit of water. Mix well, until smooth. Pour the mixture in a heated casserole, cover with a lid.

Recipe of chicken soup

S has to boil with a second soup with chicken, make sure not to remove the foam, add the almonds and carrots and potatoes. The onion s you can add, irritating as s the stomach.

The importance of proper diet during gastritis acute and difficult to overestimate. The diet should include diet dishes in the steam sense, the spices and the salt, with a minimum of sugar. Nutrition is A key right, to the quick recovery. You can even lose a bit of weight, if you and the team weight.

If you are stuck gastritis, should not be afraid. Yes, and unpleasant, but to overcome the acute phase of the pot. You just need to be patience, follow the doctor's instructions and to comply with the diet. Then, In the gastritis-long retreat.