Dukan diet allowed food in stages

Slim body that guarantees not only esthetic appearance but also the health of the holder of attractive appearance. Dukan diet allowed food in stages easily lose weight but also will help to hold the desired number at the desired level. The methodology – the use of protein foods. After going through all the stages, the diet turns into daily menu, which provides an attractive appearance to a ripe old age.

The Dukan Diet

Features diet

Renowned dietitian living in France, Pierre Dukan during the four decades he developed a method of weight loss available to everyone. The essence of the Dukan diet – allowed food can be consumed in stages. To achieve a stable result easily through inclusion in the daily diet meals with plenty of protein and limiting carbohydrate and fatty foods.

Making a daily menu subject to deliveries allowed by the doctor, it is impossible to lose weight in the short term. Gradual weight loss ensures lasting results for years to come. The Dukan diet contains a large list of allowed foods, allowing for all four phases of not being hungry and losing weight.

Two initial phase focused on intense weight loss, the third and fourth to consolidate the result. The perfect ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates forces the body to work in new ways, getting rid of unnecessary baggage. Compliance with all recommendations of the famous Frenchman will be the key to a great result.

Recommended products

Four stages of the Dukan diet include foods allowed on stages. In each phase, it is sufficient to use the recommended products for a given period. A huge list of Dukan have studied in detail the effect of each on the mechanism of weight loss. Products can be combined, but to adhere to recommendations for specific stages of the four.

Due to a wide range of approved products, weight loss painless. The lack of the feeling of constant hunger reduces the risk of failure and makes a fresh look at the selection of products.

Phase 1: attack

The main weight loss occurs in the first phase of the diet. The products from the list compiled for this period contain large amount of protein. Waiver of carbohydrate and fatty foods contributes to rapid weight loss. Metabolism starting to work faster, therefore, the greatest number of kilograms you can lose in a short period of the first phase.

Recommended products

The maximum number of days recommended for protein menu no more than ten days. From 2 to 5 kg can be lost, if repeated protein per day 3 to 5 times. How much need to stay in the first phase, each person can determine individually for themselves. The number of days in proportion to the number of kilograms from which you want to get rid of. To exceed ten days is not recommended, lasting power protein food leads to kidney disease.

The Dukan diet: attack — the list of allowed foods in the table:

Name Allowed Banned
Meat Veal, Turkey, rabbit, chicken. By-products is possible, but rare. Low-fat ham of the above meat. Goose, duck.
Chicken egg Protein The yolk
Fish Fish of all varieties, all kinds of seafood boiled, steamed, baked without oil. Canned, smoked, salted food
Dairy products Yogurt, kefir, milk of 0.5% fat, 5% cheese Milk, yogurt, fermented baked milk of 2.5%, curd with 9%
Drinks Weak coffee or tea drink Sparkling water, strong sweet tea and coffee
Oil 1 teaspoon of olive oil daily to improve intestinal motility Sunflower, cream
Spices Cloves, wasabi, mustard, ginger, curry, cinnamon, coriander

Oat bran is included in the daily diet that make up for lack of fiber and improve digestion. The recommended amount is 30 grams a day.

Phase 2: alternating

In the second period of the Dukan diet introduces vegetables in the allowed products. The most difficult time is behind us, but it is at the stage "cruise" a strong desire to finish the diet. The motivation to continue can serve as a weight for the first few days and the desire to get closer to the desired image.

Diet Pierre Ducane (allowed products) has already compiled a list for the first stage carbohydrates with a low glycemic index. Prerequisite – drinking 1.5 liters of purified water per day, and cereal made from oats in the amount of 3 tablespoons every day without a break.

Part Dukan diet phase alternating — permitted foods in the table:

Vegetables for diet
Allowed Banned
Pepper Potatoes
Dill, spinach Corn
Radishes, turnips Pasta
Celery, asparagus

Cucumbers, tomatoes

Peas, beans
Zucchini, eggplant Cereals
Cabbage Olives
Pumpkin Lentils
Leeks, parsley, dill, green salad Avocado

The second stage can last from 2 weeks to several months, depending on the desired result. The basic weight for the first half of the diet when the list of allowed foods includes only food that includes protein and vegetables.

Sample menu one day:

  • Breakfast: cheese, dressed with low-fat yogurt; a pancake of oatmeal; unsweetened green tea
  • Lunch: vegetable soup-puree of cauliflower, tomatoes, zucchini, no salt; boiled fish, pumpkin juice
  • Snack: vegetable casserole with egg
  • Dinner: spinach quiche, 0.5% yogurt

Pancake recipe oatmeal:

  • 2 tablespoons of oatmeal pour a small amount of warm water
  • Separately beat the egg whites and a little salt
  • Carefully enter the protein mass to flakes
  • In the preheated oven, pour a little olive oil
  • Spread the dough on the pan and cook the pancake for 3 minutes on each side

Phase 3: consolidation

In the second half of the diet Pierre Ducane to authorised products are added fruits, some bread. The main amount of weight dropped, the task of the subsequent period is to maintain body weight at that level.

Food remains fractional, with a sufficient quantity of water. Cereals can be chewed or added to the dish. The first 6 days of the week the menu is made with all allowed foods in this phase, and one day, the doctor recommends a Thursday, leave protein day. To previously approved products are added to the table.

The Dukan diet: table of allowed foods on phase consolidation:

Name Allowed products, tips for use Banned
Bread Rye, whole wheat, no more than 50 g per day White bread, baking
Fruit All but prohibited, not more than 250 g per day Raisins, banana, cherry, dried fruits
Cheese Solid fat content of less than 25%, 35 g per day Fatty
Cereals Buckwheat 210 g, rice 100 g Semolina
Potatoes Not more than 150 g per day, it is recommended to pre-soak to remove starch

Phase 4: stabilization

The fourth phase of the Dukan diet has a complete list of allowed foods from the previous three stages. In this period there is no need to arrange a protein day. Diet all days of the week are the vegetables, fruit, rye bread, protein foods. To prevent yourself from this list do to limit the number to very small portions.

The fourth phase is not intended to reduce weight, the main task is to save weight at the same level. The number of days of stabilization is not limited, therefore, to adhere to such a menu can be a lifetime, sometimes allowing yourself to the festive menu.


To achieve a quick result of weight loss during the diet Pierre Ducane, special attention should be paid to motor activity. The implementation of simple physical exercises, daily walking and Cycling have a positive impact on the health and appearance losing weight person.

Trim figure will provide trips to the gym. To train 3 times a week. Use any opportunity to refuse transport. Weight loss will occur rapidly if the muscle tissue will work, and calories are burned faster by breaking down lipid deposits.

Additional recommendations

Before you begin to adhere to the diet and leave in the daily diet only permitted foods in stages, you should consult a doctor if the presence of pathologies of a chronic nature.

What are the contraindications can prevent weight loss by the method of French nutritionist:

  • Heart failure
  • Vascular disease
  • Pathology of the urinary system, renal failure
  • Disorders of the locomotor apparatus
  • Diabetes
  • When dieting should be paid to motor activity
  • Thyroid disease
  • Cancerous tumors
  • Allergic reactions
  • The period of gestation and nursing
  • The age of 18

If the Dukan diet has been successfully applied in practice, in the future the most difficult task – to save weight, which was achieved as a result of long work on oneself. To maintain attractiveness for a long time, you should follow some simple principles:

  • Eat frequent small meals, adhering to the advice of a French nutritionist
  • To drink clean boiled water at least two liter bottles a day
  • Useful 1 time a week to limit food for relief of the body: it can be proteins, dairy products, buckwheat
  • To move independently, not to use the vehicle, to come up with an active hobby
  • Eat 3 tablespoons of bran
  • Sports, to smile more often